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Nancy O'Dell

Tips for Maintaining a Red-Carpet Smile

For Entertainment Tonight co-host Nancy O’Dell, talking to celebrities on the red carpet never gets old.

“It doesn’t matter if I’ve interviewed George Clooney for the 50th time,” she told us recently, “it’s at a different location, about a different character, about a different movie, so you’re constantly talking to somebody about a different subject.”

We covered many different subjects during out sit-down with Nancy at the ET studios in Los Angeles, including how she takes care of her radiant Hollywood smile.

“I feel very adamant about seeing the dentist regularly,” she said. “First of all, I have a wonderful dentist, so I love him, he’s got the cutest personality, so I don’t mind going to the dentist. I make sure that I go when I’m supposed to go and get regular cleanings and regular checkups.”

Nancy also said she keeps her smile bright with whitening trays provided by her dentist.

“I do them at home, which is very easy and simple,” she said.

While pregnant with her daughter Ashby, Nancy found her smile needed a little extra TLC.

“You know, there are so many things that can happen to you when you’re pregnant because of the hormones and another thing that can be affected when you’re pregnant is your gums, and the hormones can cause changes in them which can make them swollen or red,” she explained. “Going to the dentist is even more important when you’re pregnant.”

These days, Ashby herself is an exemplary dental patient.

Nancy O'Dell Smile.
Photo by Stephanie Davis Kleinman

“Believe it or not, she loves going to the dentist,” Nancy said. “She asks me, when is her next dental appointment!”

In order to make sure Ashby and her two older brothers get good news at their dental checkups, Nancy tries to keep junk food out of the house.

“Everybody in my house has a sweet tooth except for me — I’m the one that likes the salty, crunchy snacks,” she said. “I find that the only time I eat really poorly is when I have nothing around that is healthy, and that’s my only choice — and you’re just hungry, so you just gotta eat what’s available. So make really healthy things available — that’s the trick I’ve learned.”

Nancy was also excited to talk about launching her first fashion line with online retailer EVINE Live. You can check it out here!

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