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Sinus Surgery

Creating Bone For Dental Implants Out Of Thin Air

By Dr. Stephen Wallace

This article is endorsed by the
International Congress of Oral Implantology.


What About After The Surgery?

These procedures are associated with moderate swelling and some discomfort generally lasting for a few days to a week — about the same as having an upper impacted wisdom tooth removed. Supportive treatment is usually recommended for routine sinus surgeries including: a course of antibiotics to prevent infection and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (the aspirin and ibuprofen class of drugs, but stronger and prescription based) to minimize discomfort and prevent swelling. A decongestant may also be prescribed if necessary. Healing is generally uneventful. At most, the sinus membrane may become inflamed with a feeling of minor congestion in which case a decongestant is helpful. And there is no change to the way you feel or sound after healing from the surgery.

Questions to ask your dentist

  1. How do you determine whether I have enough bone volume to replace my upper back teeth with dental implants?
  2. If there is insufficient bone how do you decide which technique to use to create it?
  3. Can implants be placed at the same time as sinus augmentation surgery in my case?
  4. What after care recommendations are usual for this surgery?
  5. Do you anticipate any complications in my case?

Giving You Back Your Back Teeth

Understanding what is involved simplifies this relatively common procedure and can allay anxiety. Maxillary sinus augmentations are surgical procedures usually carried out by oral surgeons, periodontists or appropriately trained general dentists. Proper assessment of your situation and diagnosis is a critical pre-requisite to the right procedure. The surgeon you select should discuss all of the appropriate risks, benefits, and alternatives with you prior to the procedure, including grafting materials and techniques to be used, as well as the nature and timing of implant placement. It is crucial to have a full understanding of current techniques and surgical procedures when selecting a surgeon to achieve safe and predictable results. Experienced surgeons all readily and routinely manage membrane complications like tears and their repair, infection, and other predictable occurrences.

Be sure to discuss maxillary sinus augmentation with the surgeon you chose before undergoing these revolutionary procedures, which can literally give you back your back teeth.

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