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Tooth Fairy 2 stars Larry the Cable Guy and Brady Reiter have teamed up for a good cause!

There's A Real-life Tooth Fairy Who Helps Kids Learn Good Oral Hygiene Habits!

Brady Reiter Tooth Fairy 2.

Her name is Brady Reiter and she's wise beyond her years — hundreds of years beyond, as a matter of fact. Brady plays a 500-year-old Tooth Fairy named Nyx in the movie Tooth Fairy 2, which co-stars Larry the Cable Guy as a novice tooth fairy (named Larry) in a king-sized pink tutu and giant fluffy wings.

Now Brady and Larry have teamed up once again for a good cause: They are helping the National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's ToothFairy® fight tooth decay — the number one chronic childhood disease — with a public service announcement that teaches children the importance of good oral health care. NCOHF also recently tapped Brady to head the America's ToothFairy Kids Club, which offers kids personalized letters from the ToothFairy along with lots of encouraging oral health tips and fun activities — free!

Americas ToothFairy.

“I'm really excited to be part of it,” Brady enthused recently in an interview with Dear Doctor. “Kids learn how to take care of their of smile by joining this club. By supporting America's ToothFairy, we can help kids in need get dental care and have a healthy smile too. It's really amazing!” (To sign up your child, go to

“We are thrilled to have Brady Reiter join our smile-saving, child-saving mission by leading our America's ToothFairy Kids Club,”

“We are thrilled to have Brady Reiter join our smile-saving, child-saving mission by leading our America's ToothFairy Kids Club,” said Fern Ingber, MEd, NCOHF President and CEO. “She is a talented, remarkable young lady who is passionate about helping America's ToothFairy ensure that every child has a healthy smile.”

Brady said her work with the foundation has taught her a lot about the distressing effects of oral health neglect. “Before, I didn't even realize what can happen to kids if they don't take care of their teeth,” said Brady, who has since seen photos of children suffering from severe tooth decay.

“There are kids in America who don't know that it's important, or they just don't have the resources to be able to take care of their teeth or to go to the dentist,” Brady said. “When kids join the club, they learn how to prevent tooth decay. When families support this great cause, we can help kids in need. And that's what feels great — that we really can make kids' futures better.”

Brady knows that a beautiful smile is more than simply a matter of aesthetics.

“When you feel bad about opening up your mouth and smiling, a kid's confidence just goes down the drain,” she said. “I think it's wonderful that we can help kids take care of their teeth and make sure their mouths and their smiles are healthy.”

Brady said she is very conscientious about maintaining her own oral health.

“I brush, floss and rinse twice a day,” she said. She also sees her dentist regularly for check-ups, cleanings and fluoride treatments. Soon she will start orthodontic treatment with clear aligners.

“My teeth just need to be straightened out,” Brady explained. “Some of them are front-and-back of each other.”

In the meantime, Brady wears a retainer to keep her teeth from moving further out of alignment before she's ready for the clear aligners she has chosen over metal braces for professional reasons.

“I'm actually 11 but I play more like an 8- or 9-year-old because I'm very small for my age,” Brady said. “Most kids that age don't have braces yet, so if I had braces, I wouldn't be able to act as much as I would like to. Health, of course, comes first, but with clear aligners, I can take care of my teeth and still do what I love.”

Brady came under the spell of acting at age 5, when the young Floridian won her first role in a Disney World commercial.

“I just loved being on set, it just felt so at home,” Brady recalled. “Some people go to work and they do the same thing every day. What I love about acting is, you go to work every day and you do something different.”

Tooth Fairy 2 Movie.

Nyx the Tooth Fairy was a particularly enjoyable role, Brady said. “She is very confident, an older soul in a younger body, and I liked that — that I didn't just play an average kid.”

So was it hard to play a 500-year-old trapped in a child's body? “Not really, I'm kind of more mature than an average 11-year-old because I have older brothers and sisters,” Brady said. (In fact, being part of a blended family “bunch” of three boys and three girls is what earned Brady her name.) “It was kind of just connecting with my inner 500-year-old. It was very fun to play a character like that!”

And Nyx is just what Brady, who recently lost her last baby tooth, always imagined her personal Tooth Fairy to be like.

“My whole life I thought the Tooth Fairy is just like Nyx,” Brady said, adding that Nyx has all the right qualities to be a leader among tooth fairies. “They know what to do, they come in, they're professionals, you don't see them and they never make a mistake and forget your tooth. Just like Santa Claus, they're very professional.”

A bumbling Tooth Fairy such as Larry would obviously never meet this exacting pixie's standards of excellence.

“I never even imagined that Larry the Cable Guy would come in and have to hide under the bed and do all the crazy stuff he does!” Brady said, adding that Larry is just as funny off-camera.

“In hair and makeup every morning, he'd be making all these jokes,” she said. “He just cracked us up 100 percent of the time!”

Now that Tooth Fairy 2 is out on DVD and the America's ToothFairy Kids Club is up and running, Brady is looking forward to her next project — whatever that might be.

“I'm always auditioning for new characters,” said Brady. “I really never know what's coming next!”

Joining America's ToothFairy Kids Club is easy — and free!

Visit the National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's ToothFairy® website at and fill out the online registration form. Your child will receive a personalized letter from the ToothFairy, quarterly e-newsletters, oral health tips, and fun activities. Donations are not required for membership, but greatly appreciated. Just $10 can help rescue a child from preventable pain! Thanks to generous corporate underwriters covering operating and program expenses, all donations go directly to oral health programs benefiting at-risk children.

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