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Letter From Dear Doctor

Issue 26 of Dear Doctor Magazine

Dear Doctor & You: A Healthy Partnership

Many moons ago now, we started with a premise: There should be a novel way to provide accurate evidence-based information on dentistry and oral health — or, if not available, based on current clinical research and practice — in an easy to understand yet entertaining way to help consumers make informed and more confident healthcare decisions. We launched Dear Doctor – Dentistry and Oral Health magazine in 2007, then and now a novelty designed to test our premise.

Dear Doctor, a play on “Dear Abby,” began as a quarterly print publication containing feature articles and consultations based on consumer questions about dentistry and oral health. It was conceptualized as a hybrid between magazine and journal, to be catalogued as the body of information grew. That cataloguing perchance has taken place on the World Wide Web. In fact, the Internet has transformed Dear Doctor into an educational content provider across all media. The full compendium of information now exists as a web-based digital library enhanced by videos of dental therapies and procedures — which you can access at

A personal goal has been for Dear Doctor's editorial to be recognized as the “go-to place” for accurate information on dentistry, oral health and its relationship to general health — at least in part because it is unbiased by sales. However, the overarching goal has been and continues to be to educate and honor you, our readers and patients, as full partners in your healthcare endeavors, and to more fully integrate dentistry and the dental profession into the information age.

Please share your experience and thoughts about Dear Doctor by taking our new internet-based questionnaire at, and give us your feedback, so that we can continue to make Dear Doctor even better.


Mario A.Vilardi, DMD

Garry A.Rayant, BDS, DDS, LDSRCS, MS

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